Friday, October 2, 2009

dance and whatnot

I found a dance studio :]

Let's just say this makes me very happy. I'm SO glad to be able to whip my butt back into shape again, after a month of minimal exercise and Swiss chocolate (not a good combination, I promise).

It's a studio in Geneva called Dance Area, and they not only have a solid ballet program, but they also have lot's of other types of dance. I'm going to attempt hip hop. It's going to be extremely comical.

In other news, we're really enjoying our new house. Perroy is an adorable village... not only is it cobblestoned and old and very Swiss, but there is a bakery, market, and church with a clock tower--so I never have to check the time!--across the street. The good news is the bakery has amazing chocolate croissants. The bad news is the bakery has amazing chocolate croissants.

It is a 35 minute schlep to school for me, but it's a good opportunity for last minute homework. Plus, who could complain about riding a train overlooking Lake Geneva with a view of the Alps in the distance?

Another bit of news: next weekend, we're going to Paris for my dad's birthday. I've never been, and I am ridiculously excited. I promise I will write a gushing blog post about touristy things that most anyone whose been to Europe has already experienced. Don't hate.

And more news... in two weeks, we should be getting the shipment of our ten billion boxes and my dad's car! I'm so excited. While I only packed 5 boxes (in comparison with my parents' 35), I'm really looking forward to having more than just four outfits to wear.

Happy Friday, everyone!

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