Wednesday, October 21, 2009

a chance to breathe and other extraneous tid-bits

I don't know if you guys have picked up on it, but school is way too much work for my liking. Whoever said that senior year was supposed to be a breeze lied (though I suppose it is a good wake up call before college...). So anyways, tomorrow is my last day of school before a beautiful, wonderful, glorious ten days of freedom. I'm so excited. I'll have ten full days to... study. And do homework. And do college applications. And study some more. And try to figure out what the heck I was supposed to know in the last two months of Calculus.
But hopefully, I'll also get a chance to go on a few adventures, watch a few good movies, read a good book or two, and catch up on this blog! (Because, honestly, I have noticed my lack in posts. I would say it's a combination of ridiculous amounts of homework everyday, and a deficit in cool adventures in the last couple weeks. For example: last weekend, my parents drove around Lake Geneva into France. I stayed at home and wrote essays and got a headache over derivatives.)

Also! There are two new pieces of good news. Number one: my mom got her B permit. This is basically a permit that allows us to live in Switzerland. We originally had D visa, which is a one time entry into the country, but since we are definitely planning on visiting other countries, we needed a B permit. My dad and I haven't gotten out permits yet, but we suspect it's because they do it alphabetically. But it hopefully means we will get our permits in the next few days!
Piece of good news number two: our container has almost arrived! As I mentioned a few posts back, we shipped a huge amount of stuff over here, and it's finally almost made it. It should be getting into Basel next Wednesday. Then all we have to do is rent a truck (or something) and drive it down here. Let me assure you, I am overjoyed at the prospect of having more than just four outfits.

Last bit of random news: it is honestly cold here. We've been having a "heat wave" and it's been about 7*C. I'm still awful at the conversions, but that's pretty much the average temperature in California in February. Also known as cold.
So, I've been discovering that what I considered to be heavy winter jackets are really only appropriate for early fall here. Next on the agenda: winter coat shopping!

One last thing... I know that there are a few of you reading this, but I'd really love to know how many and who you are! If you don't mind just leaving a comment or following this blog, I'd really appreciate it... I'm just curious!


  1. Hi Claire! My parents and I totally love reading your blog. When my sister went to Europe she stopped blogging like two months in, so we really enjoy following your adventures and keeping up with you and your family. Keep it up!

  2. Hey Claire! I'm so happy to see you've resurfaced! ;) Can't wait to hear from you!

  3. hello dearest claire, I'm living vicariously through your blog! miss you.

  4. Hello Claire. I figured you would know I read this from past comments, but here you go - another one. I was trying to make a Michigan/grad school blog, but more like Alli's - a photo share site, but never got around to finishing my labels. Hopefully I'll have it done by Christmas.

  5. Hi, Claire--I know that Eric already told you that we love reading your blog, but I wanted to let you know myself. I know it's extra work for you, but you do such a great job of giving us a sense of your experience. Thanks!!

  6. Me, me ! I'm reading it ! I have you on my Blogger Dashboard so I always know when you have (ok, maybe a little infrequently) posted something!

  7. I love your blog! Please keep posting. I'm so happy that your bakery has reopened.

  8. Claire - I'm reading! I wish we had a bakery like yours across the street. Hmm, maybe I'll make bread today.

  9. I read your blog...whenever I can get out of my pile of work. Speaking of I still writing a letter for you? And who said senior year was a breeze. It wasn't me.

  10. hey Claire!
    I read your blog too. =) I just fall behind every so often, but then I have a bunch of entries to catch up to! Hope you manage the cold over there okay.

  11. claireclaire I just read this and it's amazing and WOW switzerland is BEAUTIFUL. I agree, I SHOULD come visit XD

    Keep writing. I enjoy muchly. =]
