Kaelynn's Thanksgiving visit was a lot of fun--though I was sick for the last half, which was really disappointing. Still, we got lot's of chances to explore the lovely little Rolle and have an amazing Thanksgiving.
The weather finally cleared up during the week, so on Wednesday we spent a few hours in Rolle having a picnic on the promenade next to the lake. It was an incredible day... here's a taste (yes, pun intended):
Thanksgiving consists of strictly American food, and it was a bit of a challenge finding everything, namely pumpkin pie filling and canned cranberry sauce (I know you can easily make "superior" cranberry sauce from scratch, but I'm a sucker for the canned sauce). Kaelynn brought us the pumpkin pie filling, and my mom had remembered to get cranberry sauce back when she was in the States in September, so we were all good.
We're so thankful for the opportunity to move to Switzerland. It's been a crazy adventure, and not entirely easy--and we miss our wonderful friends and family!--but the experience is amazing, and we couldn't ask for more.
Hmm, where is this barrage you speak of?? ;o)