I thought it was time for another one of those "Weird Things About Switzerland" lists. It's also a good opportunity for me to post a couple of pictures from my birthday weekend.
Ten (ish) Things That Boggle Me About Switzerland:
1. The weather. Maybe if you don't live in the Bay Area, you're used to waking up to a thunderstorm, spending the day in full sunshine, and then freezing under a heavy cloud layer as you go to bed, but I definitely grew up in California, and there are really only two seasons there... 50 degrees and cloudy, and 75 degrees and sunny. So let's just say this whole bipolar weather thing is a bit of a shock.
2. Everything is super old. Yesterday, I went out in Nyon with some of my friends, and on our way to the train station, we passed a castle. Like, a legit, ancient, knights-in-armor type castle, just sitting in the middle of the town.
3. Everyone I've met has lived in at least four countries. One of my friends was born in Malta, moved to Senegal, then Virginia, then Brazil, then back to Virginia, then to Switzerland. Because I grew up in the same town, and this was only my second time moving, I am distinctly the minority.
4. In this country of amazing bread, cheese, and chocolate, everyone is skinny. It's magic.
5. You can live in a tiny little mountain town of a thousand people, seemingly in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by cornfields and vineyards, and yet be twenty minutes away from a bustling city. Such as Geneva.
6. They still don't have good peanut butter (luckily, I have amazing friends who send me peanut butter from the U.S. Thanks, Sara!!!!)
7. People who have lived here their whole life think Switzerland is boring. I can't understand it... this place is crazy and bustling and pretty dang amazing. The streets are cobblestones, for goodness sakes! It can't get cooler than that.
8. It's like being on vacation. But for a long, long time.
Alright, I said ten-ish, and eight is definitely ten-ish. Here's a couple photos from my birthday weekend:

Claire! My mom told me about your blog today, so I've just been catching up. I can't wait to read about all of your adventures!