I will take a moment to apologize for the delay in posting. My mother has been so kind as to inform me that now so many people are reading my blog, it is imperative that I update
every single day or else everyone will stop liking it.
OK, moment over.
I don't know what you guys did this weekend, but I didn't do very much. Oh, you know, just your average little road trip through three countries. No big deal or anything.
Actually, my weekend was pretty boss (in this context, boss would mean
extremely cool,
hella legit, or
totally dope. It's a pretty important word... I suggest you start utilizing it. Unless, of course, you don't want to sound like a seventeen-year-old Californian. Your choice). My birthday was on Friday, and we'd been planning for a while to take a trip down to Lugano to visit my friend Alex who goes to Franklin College there. So, on Friday night, after a successful day of cupcakes, discount shopping, Indian food and pear and almond torte, we drove an hour to France to spend the night there. The next morning we headed out through the French Alps towards Lugano.
The drive through the mountains was spectacular. A cross between the Colorado Rockies and Yosemite, but about seven point five times more awe-inspiring, and with really cool highways suspended fifty meters in the air. We crossed into Italy and the landscape flattened, before rising once more into smaller, greener mountains.
We got to Lugano around 2pm, and while I hung out with my friend, my parents explored the town, which they found to be cute, charming, and extremely beautiful.
I spent the day with Alex and her college buddies, and we went out dancing to celebrate my birthday... such a fun day.
On Sunday, we drove back to Geneva via the Swiss Alps. We forwent the ridiculously backed-up traffic leading to the efficient--and boring--tunnel through the mountain, and instead spiraled up and around and over, watching as the Italian section of Switzerland spread out below us. It was pretty incredible. We moseyed through the German section oohing and awing and photo-taking respectively. As the gas in the tank dwindled, we wandered through darling Swiss German towns around the edge of an unknown lake, in pursuit of an illusive gas station. Once found, we bought cheese, salami for the omnivores, and fresh--as in still-warm-from-the-oven kind of fresh--bread at the little 7-11 type convenience store attached to the gas station. I've come to the conclusion that I'm eating far too much bread and cheese--and far too little whole grains and vegetables and all that nonsense--to be entirely healthy, but I think we all still feel like we're on some sort of extended vacation, which means we can eat whatever we want.
I mean, honestly, how many times in your life do you get to spend your weekend in Switzerland?
Pictures to come... my dad is extremely relaxed about uploading his photos. If you want, bug him about it. Haha.
Happy Tuesday!